Why is Drinking Quality Water Important for Our Health? 

There are many reasons why drinking quality water is important for our health. It helps regulate body temperature, reduces fatigue and concentration levels, aids digestion, and improves skin condition. It also aids in the absorption of essential nutrients and minerals. 

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The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that 26% of the global population does not have access to safe drinking water and that 46% lacks basic sanitation. This is a massive gap that needs to be filled in order to meet the U.N.’s Sustainable Development Goals, which are a series of targets that aim to improve the lives of people around the world. 

Water quality refers to the suitability of a given water source for different purposes based on its physical, chemical, and biological properties. The presence of harmful chemicals, pesticides, fungi, bacteria, and other contaminants are often linked to poor water quality. 

Drinking quality water is essential for human health and can help prevent the occurrence of certain diseases such as cholera, diarrhea, dysentery, hepatitis A, typhoid and polio. It can also assist in the recovery of those who have been infected by these infections and help to promote the overall well-being of society. 

To ensure that water is free from all contaminates, it is a common practice for governments and local authorities to set and enforce water quality standards. These standards are designed to protect the public’s health and safety as well as the natural environment. 

The EU’s Drinking Water Directive and the US Clean Water Act are both examples of these standards. They set limits for key physical, chemical, and biological components of water that can cause illness or damage to the ecosystem. 

These standards are normally set by national or regional authorities and enforced by regulatory agencies such as the EPA in the United States. The EPA in the US has an annual water quality report that is provided to citizens and business owners called Consumer Confidence Reports or CCRs. 

In addition to the EPA, local and state government agencies also provide public information about the water quality in their region. This is particularly true in the USA and Europe where most municipalities and utilities publish regular reports on their websites, although it can be less consistent in developing countries. 

The importance of drinking quality water can’t be underestimated, especially in developing nations where it is often the only source of safe water available to their inhabitants. Thousands of people in rural Africa and Asia walk long distances to collect drinking water. They share the same water sources with animals and are vulnerable to contaminated sources that can breed infectious disease. 

For this reason, it is vital that communities have access to clean drinking water and that wastewater is treated and discharged safely. This will greatly improve health and ensure that water is not contaminated with harmful chemicals and pollutants that could cause harm to the environment and community. 

The availability of clean, safe, and affordable water and sanitation services will significantly help to combat the spread of infectious diseases and contribute to reducing the number of sick people worldwide. It will also help to improve the wellbeing of families and communities, as well as enhance productivity and efficiency in both the workplace and the home.