10 Reasons Why Bottled Water is Better Than Tap 

Bottled water is a popular drink for many reasons. It has a variety of flavors, vitamins, and minerals to choose from is easy to reuse and can be a great way to stay hydrated on the go. 

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While bottled water is often more expensive than tap, it’s often better for the environment and for people’s health. But while bottled water may be better for your health, it’s not always the best choice for everyone. Here are 10 reasons why you should consider drinking tap instead of bottled water: 

1. Cost:

While it can be difficult to compare the price of tap and bottled water, it’s easy to see how bottled water is much more expensive than tap. In some cases, the cost can be up to 3000% more for a gallon of bottled water than a similar amount of tap. 

2. Environmental Impact:

While some of the plastic used in bottled water is recyclable, it also contains obesogens (chemicals that disrupt hormones) and other pollutants that contribute to pollution.

3. The Food and Drug Administration regulates bottled water and requires that it be treated properly.

The FDA requires that bottled water be processed and packaged under sanitary conditions and be labeled to indicate the quality of the water. 

4. Contaminant Levels:

The EPA has set maximum contaminant levels for both tap and bottled water. These limits are based on the best available science. However, if a company fails to meet these standards, it can be banned from selling in the U.S. and/or forced to recall the product. 

5. Infections:

Some bottled waters are treated to reduce the risk of infection by parasites, including Cryptosporidium, which can cause life-threatening symptoms in certain people with weakened immune systems. 

6. Flavor:

Some bottled water is enhanced with flavoring agents, such as carbonated water, to add a refreshing taste. This can be a healthier option for those who are trying to avoid sugary drinks. 

7. Availability:

Having access to a wide range of brands and styles of bottled water is important, especially for people with special health needs or those who live in areas where clean tap water isn’t available. 

8. Safety:

In some areas, the water isn’t safe to drink because it’s contaminated with heavy metals or other harmful chemicals. This is especially true for rural and underdeveloped communities. 

It’s a good idea to check with your doctor before you decide whether or not you should buy bottled water. It’s also a good idea to look at the ingredients list on the back of the bottle. 

9. Availability:

The availability of bottled water is crucial to communities in the developing world where clean and reliable drinking water is not readily available. In this way, bottled water is an essential tool in achieving the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 6: to ensure universal and equitable access to affordable drinking water for all.

10. Conclusion: For most people, the answer is simple: use tap water whenever possible and save money on bottled water for those times when it’s necessary.