What Happens When a Water Cooler Is Encountered?
When a water cooler is encountered, it usually means one of two things. Either someone is looking for a way to drink ice-cold water or they are trying to dispense hot water from the machine.
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The water cooler is a convenient alternative to bottled water, but it can also pose some health risks. It can contain a variety of contaminants, including bacteria and heterotrophic plate count (HPC) organisms.
These organisms can be dangerous for people with compromised immune systems. They can cause vomiting, diarrhea, and other stomach issues. In fact, Tufts University found that levels of HPC organisms in some water coolers could reach 2,000 parts per million (ppm).
Even if the water cooler isn’t contaminated, it is still important to make sure you and your coworkers wash your hands before using the spigot. You should also use clean bottles to fill up the spigot and flush it with water until there’s no residue left behind.
This will help prevent the water from becoming contaminated with bacteria, viruses, and other microorganisms. Some water coolers are equipped with filters that purify the water by removing these bacteria and other contaminants.
Many water coolers rely on refrigerant to cool the water inside. As the refrigerant is circulated through the pipes, it changes from a liquid to a gas and absorbs heat from the water in the reservoir. This cooling process helps to reduce the temperature of the water, making it a great way to refresh on hot days.
If you’re a fan of sparkling water, some modern variants of water coolers include an additional dispenser for this. The dispenser consists of a mixer tank filled with compressed carbon dioxide. The mixer tank automatically refills with water as the user dispenses, bringing the carbon dioxide down to the cooler’s temperature so that a continuous supply of carbonated water is available.
These dispensers have been found in a wide range of settings, from airports to railway stations and even on boats and trains. They can save on single-use plastic bottles and can be a sign of your company’s commitment to reducing plastic pollution.
Some water coolers have a hose that allows the water to be drained into a sink or another location for easier cleanup. These types of coolers should be regularly sanitized to prevent them from becoming contaminated and to keep the water safe for consumption.
The hose should also be inspected for damage, leaks, and tripping hazards before using it for the first time. If there are any, it may need to be replaced.
For the best results, it is advisable to check the hose at least once per month for signs of damage. If the hose has been leaking for a while, call out an engineer to have it repaired.
As you can see, the water cooler can be an essential part of the office. It is a space where everyone interacts, and there are a lot of opportunities for it to become a source of drama and gossip.