What Was the Purpose of Testing Distilled Water With Each Indicator?
During a science experiment, you may be asked to test the quality of distilled water. The test may indicate whether the water is safe to drink. If the water is impure, it may contain chemicals or heavy metals. This can affect the results of several tests. You can use a conductivity meter to determine the salinity of the water. Some conductivity meters can also measure total dissolved solids. The total dissolved solids concentration can be calculated by multiplying the conductivity by a factor between 0.55 and 0.9.
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There are two types of contaminants in water – inorganic and organic. Inorganic contaminants are compounds that do not have a carbon atom. These include fluoride and arsenic. These contaminants may be a result of mining or industrial waste discharge. Inorganic contaminants can also come from natural water bodies. During a water quality test, the presence of a bacillus subtilis spore is an indicator that the water is contaminated with biological contaminants. The removal of these spores is considered an indicator of removal of bacteria and viruses.
During a conductivity test, you can use an electric salinometer to measure the conductivity of the water. The meter will tell you how many micromhos per centimeter the water conducts. It is important to use the lowest range of the conductivity probe, as the higher ranges can be dangerous. If the meter does not have a lower range, you may not obtain the correct reading.
You can test for the presence of microorganisms in water by using the Sudan IV test. This test requires rinsing the paper with distilled water and observing the reactions of classmate samples. You will then have to complete a data analysis questionnaire.