What is the procedure for testing water?
Water tests are important to help you determine the quality of your drinking water. They are especially useful if you use a well or if you have water problems that require treatment. In addition to helping you make sure that your drinking water is safe, testing also helps you understand how your water affects your health and what steps you can take to improve the quality of your water.
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BACTERIA TEST GUIDE: A bacterial test is the most common type of water test and can provide you with information about the bacteria that are present in your drinking water. Depending on the test, this may include a count of the number of bacteria that are found in your drinking water or a simple “presence/absence” result.
COLOIFORM TEST: A total coliform bacteria test is another type of water test and is used to detect the presence of bacteria that can cause disease. Although this type of test is not as accurate as a more expensive water test, it is a good way to get an idea about the bacteria level in your water.
STRIP TEST: Some do-it-yourself water tests use strips that detect different types of chemicals or contaminants and change color when exposed to water. You can then compare the strip’s color to a color chart to determine what the level of that chemical or contaminant is in your water.
pH TEST: A pH test is one of the simplest ways to determine how alkaline or acidic your water is. You can do this by dipping a litmus paper strip into your water sample and observing the change in color. If the water is too alkaline, the strip will turn blue and if it is too acidic, it will turn red.
CHAIN OF CUSTODY/SAMPLING INFORMATION: Chain of custody is an important part of a lab test, and it ensures that the test results you receive are the results of a legitimate test. This is why it’s so important to follow the directions on your water test kit and to send your samples to a certified laboratory.
A professional laboratory will be able to test your water for most contaminants, and you can usually find out the results of your tests on an online portal. These reports can be helpful in determining whether you need to buy additional filtration for your water or if you are in compliance with public health regulations.
ADDITIONAL TEST OPTIONS: A variety of other tests are available for most water contaminants, from mercury to pesticides. These options range from a low-tech option that uses a smartphone to a more advanced colorimetric comparison test or photometric test kit.
HARD WATER TEST: A hard water test can be done in a variety of ways, but the Soapsuds test is a quick and easy way to check the hardness level of your water. This test is a lot less accurate than a more thorough test, but it can be an inexpensive way to find out if your water is hard or soft.