What Federal Agency Regulates the Bottled Water Industry?
Bottled water has become increasingly popular in the United States. The average American consumed about 26 gallons of bottled water in 2005. It is the second most popular beverage, behind carbonated soft drinks. However, it is also a topic of controversy. Many states have taken action to regulate bottled water. There are several gaps in the regulatory system.
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Federal regulation of bottled water started in 1973 when the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) set quality standards. They required that the bottled water be tested and produced under sanitary conditions. In 1975, FDA established Good Manufacturing Practices for bottled water. The regulations specified how to test water, what facilities should be used for bottling, and what process controls should be in place. The guidelines covered more than 90 substances.
Since 1991, the General Accounting Office (GAO) has criticized the regulation of bottled water. They conducted a study on the subject and found that the FDA had failed to adhere to the rules. This is in part due to the fact that the FDA had a hard time deciding what to regulate and when.
FDA’s proposal for regulation of bottled water contained a requirement that the source of the bottled water be identified. The agency also proposed a minimum level of TDS (total dissolved solids) for mineral water. If the amount of mineral solids was above the minimum, it should be labeled. Approximately half of the states have adopted definitions for different types of bottled water.
In recent years, a number of bottled water recalls have occurred. These include sweetened flavored soda waters. Some of these recalls were classified as Class III recalls, meaning the recalled water products posed a threat to health. Six of these Class III recalls were due to mold and yeast contamination.
Although these bottled water recalls caused considerable controversy, the safety of bottled water is generally considered to be safe. Nevertheless, some states have expressed concerns about the federal government’s ability to regulate bottled water. Other states feel that the regulatory process is becoming more complicated as more and more products are entered into the market.
Several state legislatures have introduced laws regulating the safety of bottled water. These laws vary from strict requirements to allow the addition of ingredients. As a result, the bottled water industry is regulated by various agencies, including the FDA and the EPA. Most bottled water is sold interstate, so the FDA monitors the product. When FDA identifies problems with bottled water, it can enforce violations through legal procedures.
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has been criticized for regulating bottled water. This is due to the fact that the FDA has not defined certain terms on bottled water labels. A few examples are the term ”artesian” and the term ”mineral water”.
The FDA defended its regulations. According to FDA, the proposed standards are based on public water standards from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). The FDA argues that bottled water is not better than tap water and poses no risk to the general public.