What are the benefits of drinking quality water for cardiovascular health?
Water is one of the most important nutrients for your health. It is vital to cellular respiration, waste elimination and longevity.
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It is also a major component of the cardiovascular system, helping blood to flow properly around your body. This explains why it is important to drink a sufficient amount of water.
The amount of water you need to drink depends on several factors: your physical activity level, your age, and the type of foods you eat. It is especially important to drink water when you are physically active as dehydration increases the strain on your heart.
There are many benefits to drinking quality water: It is essential for the proper functioning of the skin, organs and immune system. It helps eliminate toxins and waste and can reduce the risk of infections.
It helps maintain a healthy balance of PH in your body and can help prevent heart disease by reducing acidity levels in your blood. The PH in your blood is determined by the ion concentration of the minerals that make up your body’s cells and tissue.
Some of these minerals can be found in tap and bottled water but the concentrations of certain essential minerals vary widely, often from region to region and even city to city. Some of the minerals that are present in a variety of bottled waters include calcium, magnesium, bicarbonate, chloride, iron, sulfate, and combinations of these.
Another important mineral that is present in a variety of bottled waters is sodium which can lower your blood pressure. Studies have shown that consuming sodium in excess can increase the risk of heart disease and strokes.
Lastly, water is a great source of magnesium, which can support blood cell turnover and the immune system. A 2002 study published in the “Journal of General Internal Medicine” showed that consuming 2 liters of tap water provides between 16 percent and 31 percent of the recommended daily allowance of magnesium.
In addition to promoting good cardiovascular health, quality water can also help to improve your mental and emotional well-being. It can help you feel more energized and better manage stress, fatigue and headaches.
It also supports the synthesis of red blood cells, which are necessary for your body’s proper oxygenation. When your body is dehydrated, your red blood cells are more likely to form abnormally large or swollen clumps that can lead to anemia and other serious problems.
Your blood is made up of 70% water and so it is a very vital part of your overall health. It transports all the nutrients you eat into your cells and it is also vital to helping your body eliminate toxins and wastes.
The amount of water you need for optimum health is different for everyone, but a general rule is to drink at least 6-8 glasses of water each day. This is a small number but it makes a big difference in your overall health!
Getting enough water is especially important for seniors, as they have smaller bodies and have less available water reserves than young people. It is also beneficial to drink a lot of water when you exercise as it can help prevent dehydration and keep your blood flowing efficiently.