How Long Does Bottled Water Keep?
There are many reasons to stockpile bottled water, so it’s important to know how long it’ll last before it goes bad. The US Food and Drug Administration does not regulate how long bottled water keeps; therefore, it’s up to the manufacturer of the product to make the expiration date known.
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Bottled water usually does not have an expiration date, but some bottled water bottles may come with a “use by” or “best by” date that indicates when the product is at its peak of freshness and will need to be replaced. According to Grant Hall, CEO of Corporate Water Brands in New Zealand, this is done so that the bottler can manage its inventory and ensure the quality of the product by having a specific period to replace the product before it reaches its maximum shelf life.
If a water bottle isn’t refilled and kept in the refrigerator, it will probably lose its flavor. Some brands of bottled water have special coatings that help to protect the taste.
Expired bottled water can be a health risk, especially if the water has been exposed to hot temperatures or chemicals. In addition, some bottled water containers have seams that can allow bacteria to seep in.
The FDA does not require a shelf life on bottled water, but it does recommend that consumers should not store bottled water for more than two years for noncarbonated and one year for sparkling water. This is because the plastic will begin to degrade after a while and may leach harmful substances into the water.
However, if you are storing the water in a cool place and keeping it out of direct sunlight, then it should be fine to drink indefinitely. It’s important to remember that plastic is porous, so it will absorb the odors and other contaminants of any location where it’s stored, including in a garage or car.
If you are storing bottled water in your garage, it’s also best to keep it away from gasoline or other hazardous chemicals that can damage the bottle. If you are unsure of how to safely store your bottled water, contact the bottler and ask about storage instructions.
Expired bottled drinking water can cause health problems, such as rashes and diarrhea. Some experts even suggest that drinking expired bottled water can lead to reproductive issues, different types of cancer and heavy damages to the immune system.
To prevent contaminated bottled water, you should only drink the amount you need, and only use it when you can get to a source of fresh drinking water. It is also wise to label the bottles so that you can easily tell which one is the original water and which is the refilled one.
How Long Will Bottled Water Last in My Garage?
It is a good idea to store your water in a cool, dark place. This will not only preserve its taste, but it will keep the bottles from developing rust, which is an odour that can be very unpleasant and cause stomach irritation.