How Expensive Are Water Softeners?
Depending on the location and size of your home, water softener installation costs can range from $200 to $800. Installation costs can vary dramatically depending on the type of unit and the complexity of the installation. If you are interested in installing a water softener, you should consult with a licensed plumber or water treatment specialist to ensure you’re getting the right system for your home.
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A water softener requires electricity and a power source to operate. The system should be installed near the water main so that the water can easily flow through the softener. If you don’t have a water main, you may have to hire an electrician to install the unit.
The cost of water softeners can vary depending on the size of your home and the quality of the water. You will also have to pay for materials and labor. If you are planning to install a whole home water softener, you will have to get a permit. The city or county may also want to inspect the system. Depending on the type of softener you choose, you will also have to pay for testing.
If you choose a salt-based water softener, you will have to purchase salt to refill the tank every few months. Salt costs about $5.50 for a 40-pound bag, and you will need to buy a 40-pound bag every four to six weeks. Salt-free water softeners use potassium instead of salt. However, potassium is more expensive than salt. Potassium costs $30 for a 40-pound bag.
If you are planning on installing a water softener in a large home, you will need to estimate the number of gallons of water you’ll need treated per day. The average adult uses about 90 gallons of water per day for bathing, drinking and cleaning. Larger homes also need more water treatment, so you may have to invest in a larger water softener unit.
If you are looking to install a water softener in a larger home, you may want to hire a general contractor. This will help you avoid paying too much for labor. This will usually add 20 to 25 percent to the total cost of your project. The contractor will also be able to help you with building permits and any other work that needs to be done. A general contractor will also be able to give you advice on any structural changes that you may need to make to accommodate the water softener installation.
The most common type of water softener is an ion exchanger. An ion exchanger works by “swapping” hard minerals in a resin bed. These systems can either have one or two tanks. Depending on the capacity, you may need to replace the salt tank every four to six weeks. The cost of salt is the most important factor to consider when calculating the cost of a water softener.
Another water softener option is a distiller. These systems can dramatically improve the taste of tap water. Distillers require more energy to operate and are often too slow for large homes.