Who Works on Water Softeners?
Whether you have an old water softener that needs repair or you are considering purchasing one, you may be wondering who works on water softeners. Water softeners are devices that help you reduce hard water by removing calcium and magnesium from water. These minerals make water hard, and they are extremely damaging to appliances. If left untreated, hard water can destroy water heaters and clog pipes. It can also cause your utility bills to skyrocket.
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Besides the expense of repairs, a water softener can also contribute to environmental damage. It releases a lot of salt into the environment, and the water it produces can damage crops and raise sodium levels in groundwater tables. It can also corrode pipes and lead to elevated lead and copper levels in your drinking water.
When you need repair work, it’s a good idea to contact a professional. A plumber will have experience working on water softeners, and he’ll know how to fix them. He may also recommend installing a filtration system to eliminate harmful contaminants from your water supply. It’s also a good idea to ask about insurance policies and to make sure the work is done by a licensed plumber. You may also want to avoid paying in cash.
Water softeners can cause problems, so it’s important to have them checked on a regular basis. Typically, water softeners will last 10 to 15 years. If your water softener is more than ten years old, it will need to be replaced. It’s also a good idea not to use it for a few weeks after installing a new copper plumbing system. This will help prevent clogging.
If you are in need of water softener repair, you should contact Rooter Man. They offer repair services throughout Albany and surrounding areas. They’ll also install water heating systems, and they can fix sanitary and other plumbing issues. You can learn more about their services by visiting their website.
Typically, water softeners are equipped with a bypass. This is usually a valve built into the inlet or outlet of the system. If the valve is broken, it will block the water from entering the system. To bypass the system, you’ll need to turn the valve. If the valve is clogged, you can use a drain tubing or sediment filter to help clear it out.
In addition to repairs, water softeners should be inspected every year or two. They’re designed to last for ten years or more, but they’ll need to be repaired and cleaned on a regular basis. The cost of an inspection is usually around $40 to $100. You can also ask a plumber if he can give you a warranty on the repairs. This will help you avoid paying for work that isn’t covered.
Depending on the type of water softener you have, you may need to clean the brine tank. This tank contains a highly concentrated solution that forces hard minerals out of the resin beads. Depending on the source of your feed water, the tank will need to be cleaned every one to five years.