Can drinking quality water help reduce stress and anxiety?
Whether it’s stressing about your financial situation, the kids’ school assignments or your looming work deadlines, you know that chronic stress can have an impact on your overall health and mental wellness. It can wreak havoc on your immune system, increase your heart rate and blood pressure, and even lead to anxiety and depression.
One way to reduce your stress and avoid anxiety is by drinking enough water. Almost every bodily function relies on water, and if you’re not getting the right amount of it, your body won’t be able to do its job properly.
Your body needs hydration for everything from a strong immune system to proper blood flow, according to Dr. Carlson. She also points out that drinking water prevents cortisol levels from going up, which is the stress hormone that can cause long-term health problems like adrenal fatigue.
It also helps to keep your electrolytes levels balanced, which can help keep you feeling energized and healthy.
Drinking water can be a simple step you can take to keep your stress levels down, says Jessica Ackrill, MD, founder of the Ackrill Medical Group in Nashville. It can also help you maintain a positive mood, and make you feel more relaxed, she adds.
A new study has found that drinking a bottle of quality water each day may reduce the risk of depression and anxiety. The researchers surveyed a population of 3,000 adults and determined that those who drank more water had a lower risk of these mental illnesses than those who didn’t.
The research results suggest that drinking more water can actually boost your mood and improve your ability to focus. The study found that people who drank more than five glasses of water each day had less depression and better thinking abilities than those who drank two or fewer glasses per day.
Managing your stress and anxiety is a major part of keeping your mental health in tip-top shape, and the good news is that it’s easy to do. The first step is identifying what causes you to feel stressed in the first place, says Washington. That could include things like not having access to clean water, which can cause you to feel anxious about your daily life.
You can start by addressing lifestyle factors that affect your mental health, including dietary choices and sleep habits. If you’re already suffering from an existing mental illness, or if you have a history of anxiety and depression, it’s especially important to consider how your water intake fits into your overall health plan.
This is a common question asked by many people, and one that can be an especially difficult one to answer. But the truth is that there’s no single reason why you’re feeling anxious.
For example, you might be experiencing a temporary anxiety spike due to a medical condition that can easily be addressed with some time off and a little extra rest. Or you might be dealing with a specific life event, such as the death of a loved one or a new job.