How to Collect Water Samples For Bacterial Testing?
Performing water samples for bacteria testing is a great way to check the quality of your water. However, you need to know how to collect the sample in the right way to ensure that your results are accurate. In this article, we will cover the basics of collecting samples and how to preserve them before sending them to the lab.
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To collect a water sample, you will need the proper bottles and equipment. Depending on the type of testing you plan on performing, you may need to use different types of bottles. To find out which bottles you need, you may want to call the lab that is doing the testing. They can also give you advice on the best place to collect the sample.
For bacteria testing, you will need a sterile, pre-preserved bottle. You should also wear gloves to protect your hands from the bacteria. In addition, you should fill the bottle to the top. When you are ready to submit your sample, you should put the bottle in a refrigerator. This will ensure that the bacteria are preserved during transport to the lab.
After you have completed the sample, you need to fill out a Chain of Custody form with the sample. This form is important for your records and will also let the lab know who collected the sample and what they need to do with it. The form needs to be legible and should be placed in a sealed plastic bag.
Before submitting your sample, you will need to follow the instructions on the kit. This includes removing any aerators or treatment devices from the water. You can also measure the temperature of the water before you start collecting the sample. You should not run the water before you collect the sample, but you should allow the water to run for two to three minutes before collecting the sample.
You will also need to fill a container with water and put it in the refrigerator to preserve the sample. You should also place ice packs on the container to help preserve the sample. This is the best way to preserve bacteria samples. Water-based ice packs will preserve the sample the best.
You should collect the sample in the morning, but if you are testing tap water, you should collect the sample after you let the tap run for three minutes. You should also flush the tap with the highest flow possible, as this will remove any stagnant water.
Depending on the test you are doing, you will need to collect the sample in a plastic bottle. The size of the bottle will depend on the type of test you are conducting. For example, pesticides and volatile organics analysis requires the use of dark glass bottles. Metals, such as lead, require small plastic bottles.
If you need to collect a private well water sample, you will need to fill out paperwork. You will also need to have the sample submitted to the lab within 24 hours.